This is intended for very new beginners.
1) This program shows how to show hidden Tabs.
2) Also shows how to do simple animation.
3) This program also demonstrates an example of what I referrer to as "extended formatting"
Example link for elmo.ross vb2 You can examine the project by going to and open the project elmo.ross vb2.
Depending on your "level of expertise" coding knowledge some projects are easier to understand whats going on as far how things work. For example go to and open up the project "AddressBook4". It takes a bit more effort to study this project to see how it works. I think "AddressBook4" was put together an expert coder.
My projects are very basic and transparent, easy to figure out. any questions?
Here is a link to my personal Mickey Mouse forum for my thoughts CrossUI and software stuff.
Clark aka elmo.ross